People Watching

Have you ever shared a movie you really liked with someone? Where you want them to like it as much as you do, so you end up watching them and their reactions to your favorite parts instead of watching the actual movie? That’s where I’m at right now, except the person I’m watching is an editor, and I can’t see her reactions to anything through a computer screen.

The good news is that the editing process for Ranuin’s Gate is moving forward. Our publisher even gave us a link where we can look and see what the editor is working on at any time. Any of you who know me well know this was a mistake on their part, but it’s not their fault. They didn’t know. They couldn’t have known.

So now I can watch as she makes her way through the book. I cringe when she reads through parts I know need some more work. But I can’t see her reactions to my favorite jokes we put in. I can’t tell if she’s tearing up when one of our favorite characters is dying. I can only watch her cursor move up and down across the page.

This post has no real lesson or point. It’s partly an update post so our readers know where we’re at (you can start getting excited since things are moving forward), and partly an explanation in case anyone tries to get ahold of me in the next few weeks. I’m not purposely ignoring you. I’m just watching the cursor move up and down, trying with everything I have to see through the computer to see what our editor is thinking.